
Global Executive Outcomes Group is a European public strategy firm. We represent clients who – for reasons of prominence in politics, business or sport, or on the basis of their high net worth – face complicated challenges requiring extraordinary solutions.

With more than 20 years of experience working with the highest-level clientele in the corporate, government and private sectors, our principals are masters at helping clients resolve the most complex strategic and communications challenges, advancing their interests internationally and building the right arguments before the public. 

Engaging our team to problem solve is a crucial arrangement for individuals and businesses. We are leaders in crafting, asserting and defending the global image of our clients in the media, while using our network with political, legal and industry stakeholders to ensure that their message reaches their audience at the right time.

We select clients with the utmost care. Our relationship with them is exclusive and long-term. This allows us to offer a level of focus, attention and detail that is unprecedented in the industry.

Crisis Management

Society has recognized the value of a good reputation — and the cost of losing it — since ancient times. Shakespeare famously said that “he that filches from me my good name . . . makes me poor indeed.”

The threat to reputation has never been greater than in today’s Internet age. It can take just seconds for a reputation built over a lifetime to be trashed around the world. Even if the person or organization that is victimized can prove that the defamation is false, by the time they set the record straight, the damage to their reputation will have been done.

Another difference between the past and now is that those doing the trashing today can conceal their identity a lot easier — by using fake social media accounts, for example. This makes it harder to shut them down and seek legal remedies against them for the damage they have inflicted.

What to do? It starts with being proactive. A prominent person or organization needs to have a multifaceted crisis management plan to prevent or mediate attacks on their reputation and to seek legal remedy if they do occur. These plans are one of Global Executive Outcomes Group’s specialties. The ones we create spell out step by step how an individual or company needs to respond to a crisis that could hurt their reputation.

The first step is asking a client what kinds of reputation-damaging crises they could face. As an example, an oil company might reasonably expect a pipeline rupture that causes an environmentally devastating spill. If such news were to become public — and this is likely — the public, politicians and others would be calling for company executives’ heads.

At the heart of a world-class crisis communication plan is a detailed set of instructions on how a client should respond to various crises that can reasonably be foreseen. The plan will also include instructions for responding to a generic crisis — that is, one that cannot be foreseen. This could be — God forbid! — the company losing its world-class CEO to a sudden heart attack.

In addition to instructions on responding to a reputation-threatening crisis, a communication plan needs to include the messages the client must deliver to limit the damage. It will also include a list of those who need to get the messages — the public, media, government officials, employees, customers, vendors, and so on.

​We all know that building a reputation takes time. So does recouping one after a crisis. This means a crisis management plan needs to include a calendar of actions to take and statements to make as long as the crisis lingers. This can take weeks, months or — in worst-case scenarios — years.

Global Executive Outcomes Group also offers clients expert advice on whether to pursue legal remedies if damage to reputation involved the deliberate spreading of falsehoods. Defamation laws are tricky, but clients can win multimillion-dollar judgments with the proper strategy.

We not only advise clients on their chance of winning a legal action, but the best strategy to use.

Political Elections and Campaigns

We help clients create powerful, winning political campaigns in emerging and longstanding democracies. Our support ranges from strategic advice to creating and directing an entire campaign. We can design campaigns from the ground up — or suggest course corrections in those that are under way to achieve maximum resonance. An important skill we can bring to the table is crafting and ensuring the delivery of key campaign messages in social media and advertising.

We provide clients with ongoing advice — and work with their legal departments — to defend their reputations ahead of, during and after disputes. Some of this work deals with disputes between investors and countries where they have invested, particularly politically unstable ones. We also help clients with the communications implications of litigation in their home countries and abroad. Another service we offer is devising media strategies that can open the door to legal settlements. In addition, we provide media support to clients and their legal teams during a trial. Afterward, we help mold public perceptions about judgments a court hands down.

International Disputes and Conflict

Savvy entrepreneurs and executives know how important strong relationships are to their success, whether the relationships are with customers, employees, investors or myriad other groups.

Although all business relationships are important, those with government officials, politicians and regulators can be crucial. Elected and appointed public servants can make or break a business project — and the more powerful they are, the more ability they have to make it soar or crash. And every country has these officials, which means that those wanting to do business in multiple countries need a quick, easy and sure-fire way to build relationships with them.

This is where Global Executive Outcomes Group comes in. Our seasoned team of international relations and government relations experts can help you build ties with public officials in dozens of countries quickly and smoothly. Our team members have lived and worked in scores of countries, which means we have an unparalleled grasp of the political, economic and regulatory landscape in whatever region you’re considering investing in.

​Some of our team members are experts in the U.S. government landscape, including such key states as California, Texas and New York. Others are experts in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, Asia and Africa. The fact that collectively we speak a number of languages has played an important role in our success. These include English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Romanian, Japanese, Chinese and even widely spoken African dialects.

Global Executive Outcomes Group works on government relationships continuously, so if a client tells us they need to build ties with officials in a particular country, we are likely to have forged them already. This means we can help them get past government, political and regulatory hurdles quickly. In these cases, we lay the groundwork by discussing clients’ desires with officials before the clients arrive. Then we arrange face-to-face meetings between clients and officials. These one-on-one meetings are the best way to generate mutual understanding and avoid misunderstandings about what our client hopes to do.

Once discussions about a project start, and preliminary steps are taken toward its realization, Global Executive Outcomes Group doesn’t rush away, leaving clients to fend for themselves.

We continue to do government relations work for them, building additional trust with officials and eliminating problems that pop up.

It’s important for any independent business leader or company that plans on doing business in a country where they have never invested needs top international relations and government relations experts on the ground there. With our expertise, you won’t find a better overseas relationship builder for you than Global Executive Outcomes Group.

Strategic Consulting

Governments are as susceptible to poor images these days as high-profile individuals and powerful corporations. No government wants to be seen as not caring about its people, hostile to its neighbors, or a pariah in the international community. Whether a poor image is deserved or not, it has real consequences, including the drying up of investment opportunities, the cutting off of development financing, being subject to economic levies, and other forms of international punishment.

Once global political leaders, pundits and media have painted a negative image of a country’s government or leaders, it’s hard for that country to change the way others see it. What to do? Global Executive Outcomes Group's international government relations and strategic communications experts can put together a plan for restoring the reputation of a government that has been subject to condemnation.

This starts with frank discussions between the Global Executive Outcomes Group team and a country’s leaders about substantive changes the government must make to recoup its image. Make no mistake about it: A government that wants to paper over an image problem without eliminating the underlying reasons that led to the problem will fail. Other countries will call out this hypocrisy, and the nation with the image problem will find itself even more roundly condemned. Japan’s reputation rose from pariah to upstanding global citizen after World War II because it changed government philosophies and institutions that led to its reckless, widely condemned behavior in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s.

​Global Executive Outcomes Group will not only help a government with a poor reputation identify the main elements of its image problem, but what steps it must take to turn around its image, and a timetable for doing so. The blueprint will include moves a government must take to regain other countries’ trust and a reputation-rebuilding campaign in global media.

Restoring an image takes time, so a government trying to recoup its reputation must be in it for the long haul. Studies on reputation loss and restoration have shown that it often takes five or more years for an individual, corporation or government to restore its image, even when they show the public they are making sincere moves to change their ways.

​The image-restoration plan that Global Executive Outcomes Group draws up will include moves a government must make to maintain its image once it is rebuilt. Unless a reputation-maintenance plan is in place, and followed closely, a government’s image can deteriorate so quickly that it’s as if it had never been restored in the first place.

Government Image-Building

Being in the public eye can be rewarding, but celebrities, sports icons and prominent people in business, government and the arts know it can be challenging as well. Let Global Executive Outcomes Group reduce your stress and give you the peace of mind you need to get the most out of your work and play. We devise tailored solutions for clients facing extraordinary problems.


— One of the first freedoms that prominent people can lose is privacy. It strips them of their right to be left alone, and jeopardizes their independence — and their family’s, too. Media scrutiny can also damage their current business and future prospects.

— The Internet age has emboldened unscrupulous journalists and journalist pretenders to think they can get away with writing unfounded and damaging material about prominent people. In the past, most media subjected sensitive stories to microscopic scrutiny — because false information could lead to substantial legal claims. Now a website can destroy a reputation with false claims in real time. The website owner and writer can use fake identifies and other dubious methods to evade responsibility. We have the tools to spot, debunk and take legal actions against those disseminating unfounded claims.

— Many government and business leaders who flourished in the rapidly evolving political and economic situations in their homelands during the 1990s and 2000s are facing new circumstances that threaten their futures. This includes parts of Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, Africa and Asia. The danger is that companies, officials, corporate executives and public figures who were once viewed favorably can became targets of scorn and hostility in the snap of a finger. We can help you adapt to, and ride out, these potentially career-ending circumstances.

​In addition to making your life easier by helping you solve potentially catastrophic problems, Global Executive Outcomes Group can lay groundwork that leads to you enjoying more government or business success.

We are masters at shaping, promoting and defending prominent peoples’ images domestically and internationally. To accomplish this we use a mix of traditional and new- age media. In addition to guarding against reputation damage, we restore blemished reputations. We use every legitimate method available to use to expose lies, set the record straight with the truth, and restore a shaken career.

Reputation Management

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